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The Battle within....

Choosing the right thing to do is always an internal struggle and sometimes we contemplate on if we made the right decision......

Choosing not to correct your friend's or friends' behaviour because you didn't want to look bad in their eyes. Is not being honest with yourself or morals. Deciding not to defend yourself from emotional attacks because you believe it will only get worse is a hurtful choice in the long run.

We all have our reasons on why we do the things we do or why we choose not to speak up. When it comes to being emotionally abused verbally and allowing that person to still be in your life is a very hard decision at times. Sometimes that person is your family and you live with them or it is your significant other and you are hoping it gets better.

No matter the situation know that there is someone out there that loves you and self harm is not the only way out. Dealing with life issues, work, relationships and other problems that come up, there is always another way.

If you need someone to talk to be vocal about it. If you have and feel no one is listening, find someone who will.You are not alone in your journey!!

Your choices are your own and if you feel that you made the wrong one it's okay, we are not perfect. It is part of being human, learning from our mistakes and moving forward. There is no one person that is perfect we all fall short. Internal struggles are apart of life, but how you channel your energy is your choice. You can't fix someone else, but you can help guide the way to a brighter tomorrow, starting with yourself.

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