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Seeing the Beauty within

So many of us see ourselves and the world as black and white...... No true beauty when we look at the world or at ourselves in the mirror. But there is beauty in everything, you just have to open your eyes truly and see beyond the broken glass.

This world is filled with so much hate, negativity and neglect, so why add to the pain. Love, trust and respect start from within. What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see pain and hurt or someone who continues to overcome adversity? Do you see someone who is not loved or beautiful or do you see someone who is just waiting on the right one? Do you see someone who everyone dislikes or someone who is just misunderstood by the wrong crowd?

Just because those you encounter may not like you, that does not determine your life. Baby you are not everyone's cup of tea and to be honest that's perfectly fine. You do not exist to please others!! Making your mark on this beautiful planet is not about wanting other to like you. You exist to make a difference and be a light in this world because there is always someone feeling worse off. So put a big beautiful smile on your face because it's going to be alright.

So when you look into that broken mirror called life's ups and down, just smile and know there is beauty in it all and you too!


Self Love, World Love

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